
Where Do Your Readers Hang Out?

Sometimes writers sit down and write because they have an idea or a story to tell that just can't wait. Other times, an author might consider what his/her audience is looking for, what they want to read and then craft a book to fill that need.

Both ways are viable. However, either way, if you want to sell your book, you have to find your audience in order to tell them you have what they're looking for. As you probably know, there are a myriad of ways to do this. For those of you who want to jump into social networking, here's a handy resource. It gives you the breakdown of the demographics of each of the networks. For example, it tells you whether more males or females are on it, and what level of education they have on average.

Knowing information like this will also obviously help you determine which network (s) you might want to participate in. It's tough to keep up with one or more, you might as well put your energy in the best places.

Here's the link at Ignite Social Media:http://www.ignitesocialmedia.com/2008-social-network-analysis-report/

Good Writing & God Bless,

Cheryl Pickett

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