
Happy Earth Day

Whether you consider yourself a "tree hugger", or you simply changed the lightbulbs in your lamps, I do hope you'll do your part on Earth Day and beyond, to maintain and protect our big blue marble.

Even though I could talk about endangered animals, global warming and a host of other topics in this area, I'll follow my own advice and stick to the focus of this blog. With that in mind, here are some simple things you can do as an earth-friendly writer:

1. Recycle, or pass on/share magazines instead of throwing them away as soon as you've read them.

2. If you keep a journal, try to find one that contains recycled paper.

3. If you're in the "coffee is my life-blood" crowd, try to choose organic and fair trade brands.

4. Last, but certainly not least, use your talent to write in support of whatever topic you care about. One person can make a difference. Let your voice be heard.

Good Writing & God Bless,

Cheryl Pickett

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