
Extras, Leftovers and Stuff Just Sitting There

I saw this in Dan Poynter's (Mr Self-Publishing) Newsletter recently and thought it was a good reminder that extra books don't need to sit around your house collecting dust.

Maybe part of your New Year's resolution list included being more organized, or maybe you're planning on doing some serious spring cleaning soon. Maybe you have to stop marketing your books for one reason or another and you've got a box or two sitting around.

The good news is that there quite a few entities that will accept new and gently used books to be sent to those who often desperately need them. Below is just a partial list. You might also consider prison ministries (especially for Bibles and related material), libraries (if your books are relatively new) and even your local school, especially if you live near a low-income school area.

Have you donated to a place not on the list or have other ideas for us? Please share in the comments and keep the list going. Also, I hope you'll tweet, post on FB or otherwise share with your author friends.

* Got Books.com
Pick up service in Maine and southern New Hampshire, accepts used books, CDs, DVDs and sends them to a variety of outlets

* Pages for Children
New and used books mostly for kids and teens who have hospital stays

New and used books in saleable condition as they use book sales to fund literacy programs

*Soldiers' Angels.com
Prefer new books in the action, drama, mystery categories for deployed military

Good Writing & God Bless,
Cheryl Pickett

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